The bad news: My laptop screen busted just after Christmas and the long process of getting it fixed has caused me to virtually disappear from the net for the last couple weeks. The good news: I'm back! Though the laptop is still not functioning, I have braved the french keyboard to bring you Post #1 of 2012.
Two days after New Year's, I changed families. My four months as part of the Pillittu's family was so much fun - truly a great time. But I am loving it here at the Toublancs, as well. My new host-mom, Carol, is an incredibly innovative home-decorater. With the help of her globe-trotting daughters, plates from Rwanda, wooden elephants from India and decorative pasta from Italy are all fairly commonplace here.
I am a self-proclaimed movie fanatic, and so finding out Carol is a teacher at a cinema school in Rennes, where she teaches english to the future screenwriters and directors of France, was naturally very exciting for me. Almost as exciting as the discovery of her extensive DVD collection!
By sharing my passion for film with Carol and flipping through the books she uses in her courses (I recommend The Little Black Book of Movies to anyone else interested in the subject) I've been inspired to research a possible future career in the film industry. In the meantime, I'm going to continue plugging away through all the DiCaprio movies in the Toublanc's possession. The Departed is my favorite so far, even if it does have the saddest ending.
More Exciting Stuff:
Horseback riding!! There's a stable practically down the road from where I live now; I'll be signing myself up for lessons this week.
Soldes!! From the middle of January to the beginning of February, clothing stores throughout France host MASSIVE sales to get rid of last year's line to make room for the new one. This means prices slashed by 50% -75%, everywhere! Having recently developed a taste for french style, I cannot wait to hit Rennes next weekend with Cassandra and Marina.
Hot chocolate!! Cause we got frost this morning for the first time this winter - And when is hot chocolate not exciting, anyway?