Thankfully the weather co-operated; as I set out later that day on my excursion, there was even a little sunshine! I met up with Jeanne at the base of the hill on which the Chateau is situated, and together we made our way to the top.
The ascent was steep and included more steps than I cared for; we were both a little breathless upon reaching the peak. But the climb was worth it. The castle, built in the early 1300s, retained it's outer walls, but inside it has become a grass field. There was a well and and a small religious monument up there also, but the best part was the view. To one side we could see all the way back to Dinan's ramparts, on the other, la fleuve de la Rance winds it's way through ancient countryside.
Spotting a path that run's along the Rance's edge, Jeanne and I headed down to the riverbank and spent the next hour or so trekking through autumn leaves, taking pictures and chatting. I think my french must be improving - I wasn't able to hold a conversation for that long when I got here!
As we slip into this colder quarter of the year, please take advantage of any sunny days that come to you - Grab a sweater, call up a friend and go take a walk in the autumn air!
*name changed upon request
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